Wiqod History | Custom Software Development Services in USA

Our history


Once upon a Tech Expo…

We are WiQod

We are here to power your business digital transformation with robust and cost-effective custom software solutions.

Flashback to May 2019 and a tech expo in Atlanta. Five men who combined for more than 100 years of experience met and found some of their needs weren’t being. They decided to form a company. And Wiqod was born.

Although the way people work around the world has changed over the years and expanded remotely, onshore outsourcing is still a major plus. It ensures a great understanding of the business and the market, among other benefits. Likewise, there is a need for a firsthand insight and experience in diverse industries. As well as knowledgeable companies, consumer-oriented and skilled enough to provide them with the best solutions.

With this insight and knowing there had to be a better way, they decided to create an Atlanta based company to meet these needs.

WiQod came to life from various backgrounds with one vision: to bring an agile, collective experience of 100 years and user-centric approach to deliver high-quality software solutions by completely understanding the business needs before building anything.

Why choose us?

Our 300+ developers push themselves to find cutting edge software solutions no matter how impossible a project or idea may look like.

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