Healthcare Industry | Wiqod



Digital healthcare software products are reforming the global medicine ecosystem.

We build medical software products for startups, SMBs companies, health insurance companies, hospitals, labs, and more. Your healthcare digital product will be done right from concept, design, development, testing to launching and maintenance.

You can just focus onĀ helping peopleĀ live longer, safer, and healthier while we bring your software ideas to life.

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Case Study


Argentine Health Insurance Company.


Members of the health insurance company needed a single mobile app to:

  • Find providers information.
  • Manage their personal account.
  • Accessible information.
  • Simpler data searches.
  • Have the option to use it offline.

We developed a mobile tool with modular applications. Building each isolated module at the same time with its particular specifications, but they work together and seem as if they were one.

  • Multi-platform deployment.
  • Available for Android, iOS, Windows Phone and Web.
  • Cloud management of user preferences and favorites.
  • Different searching types.
  • Traveling directions by car.
  • Information access offline.
  • Request medical appointments through the app.
  • Instant phone calls to urgency numbers.
  • Financial status access.
  • View professional information changes.
  • Objective C
  • Java, Android SDK
  • Sencha, SQlite
  • Angular, Ionic
  • SOAP, XML, Json
  • Java Script, jQuery
  • HTML 5, CSS3, Sass
  • Gulp, Bower
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